Meet the Founder: Yolanda Espericueta



Introducing: Rouletta, a passion project that has consumed my heart and soul for a little over a year now. Every garment was designed so carefully and I ensured it exudes what truly ignites me. Designed right from my living room sewing studio in my LA apartment. My heartfelt gratitude to those who plan to purchase and also those who don’t but are reading this and following my journey.

The name "Rouletta" was inspired by the epitome of my ideal customer and muse. She embodies fearlessness, rebellion, and breaking the norms.

 My first collection, Obscura, is a heartfelt tribute to my inner child. It combines early 2000s Mexican fashion with the styles I used to wear as a child, including flare sleeves, brown prints, and other nostalgic elements.

When women wear my clothes, my hope is that they feel empowered, beautiful, and connected to their heritage, regardless of their background. I want my designs to inspire confidence and serve as a statement of empowerment and self-expression.

Thank you for your support, it means the world to me!



Yolanda Espericueta